SMDR data from server
The SMDR data tis outputted from the Reporting->Reports Page. (the export button will only give you a CDR-summary). The file should be polled by directly by calling [ip address]/ippbx/exportCSV.php . By default it will give you all completed calls that day, in SMDR format.
To specify a range of times, you can use the get variables ‘etime’ and ‘stime’. If you provide an stime, it will give you all records from that time until the current time. If you specify both, it will give you
records between those times.
The SMDR specification
[ip address]/ippbx/exportCSV.php?stime=[epoch]
Start Time |
End Time |
Direction |
Trunk |
Call ID |
Source |
Source CID |
Source Channel |
1264086258 |
1264086296 |
Incoming |
DAHDI/1-1 |
1264086247.6308 |
7145554445 |
7145554445 |
DAHDI/1-1 |
Destination |
Destination CID |
Destination Channel |
Ring Group |
Elaine Blodgett |
SIP/2208 |
9413062200 |
rg_33 |
Hold Time |
Status |
Total Call Length |
Final Entry |
Account Code |
Authorization Code |
3 |
35 |
Field Specification
Start Time to End Time is the total length of the call. Epoch Time
Direction is the direction the call in coming Incoming, Outgoing, or Internal
Trunk is the associated inbound/outbound trunk (SIP/ or DAHDI/ or IAX/)
Call ID The call id of the parent call entry (ties multiple legs of a call together
Source The Nickname the PBX gives the Source
Source Caller ID The Caller ID of the Source
Source Channel The Channel of the Source caller
Destination The Nickname the PBX gives the Destination
Destination Caller ID The Caller ID of the Destination
Destination Channel The Channel of the Destination caller
DID The DID the Call came in on (if applicable)
Ring Group Name If it is sent into a ring group, the name of that ring group.
Hold Time The amount of time the party was waiting for an Agent
- Abandoned: Call entered a Queue, but the caller hung up before the call was answered or met the failover requirement.
- ChanUnavail: No channel was able to be created for the call due to a possible error state for the intended destination.
- Agent Completed: Connected Queue call was terminated at the extension.
- Hangup: Call to a Menu, but the caller hung up before taking any actions.
- Caller Completed: Connected Queue call was terminated at the calling parties end.
- Cancel: Call from an Extension, but the caller hangs up before the call is connected.
- Answer: A connected call.
- No Answer: A call that met the ring time of an extension without being answered.
- Timeout Exit: Call to a Queue that meets the Timeout.
- VM Not Left: Call ended with the caller being sent to voicemail where they did not leave a message.
- VM Left: Call ended with the caller being sent to voicemail where they left a message.
- Transferred: Connected call successfully transferred.
- Busy: Call out a trunk returned busy status, or extension was busy.
- - : Defines the call is still active, and the status will update when completed. Click on the call record for details.
- Exited Empty Queue: Call to Queue that follows Exit Empty rule.
- Exited With Key: Call to Queue that follows the Exit Menu key press.
- Account Code: Reserved for future account name information
- Authorization Code: Reserved for future authorization code information
The call is incoming on a hardware channel 1 group 1, the call ID links the two records together. The call first goes to a ring group ‘rg_33’ is answered by SIP/2208 (Elaine), and was transferred after 35 seconds of talking. Because the final flag is not set, we know there will be more about this call in the future.
The second entry for the call was picked up by SIP/2210 (Chris) and lasted 81 seconds long. The final entry flag has a ‘1’ signifying it is the last leg of this call.
1264086258, 1264086296, Incoming, DAHDI/1-1, 1264086247.6308, 7145554445, 7145554445, Zap/1-1, Elaine Blodgett, , SIP/2208, 9413062200, rg_33, 3, TRANSFERRED,35,
1264086296, 1264086395, Incoming, DAHDI/1-1, 1264086247.6308, 7145554445, 7145554445, Zap/1-1, Chris Beavers, 2210, SIP/2210-087b12f0, 9413062200, , , ANSWER, 81, 1