IP PBX Manual Destinations Conferences

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The Conference Bridge allows groups of callers (large and small) to participate in the same call. An internal extension can dial the number direct to a conference; and outside callers can be routed to a conference by: being transferred from an existing call, being routed direct via a DID, or selecting an option from a menu. Each conference can be configured to require a PIN for entrance, or not.

Conferencespage.png Editconference.png

Name Enter a name to distinguish this conference from others.
Conference Number Enter a unique 3-4 digits number for the conference.
Intro Prompt If desired, a Prompt file can be played when entering the conference.
Admin PIN This is the Administrator personal identification number (PIN). This is a 3-4 character numeric field.
General PIN This is the User personal identification number (PIN). This is a 3-4 character numeric field.
Announce on Enter If Enabled (checked), this prompts the user to record their name before entering the conference.
Enter Muted If Enabled (checked), users enter the conference in muted mode. The user can dial *1 to un-mute the themselves.
Optimize Talker Detection If the DCM speech detection is triggering when no one is talking you can check this box to lessen the effect of background noise.

Add/Edit Conference


  1. Navigate to Destinations=>Conferences.
  2. Click the Add button to create a new Conference, or the button to edit an existing entry.
  3. Build the conference room to match your end users desires.
  4. Click button.
  5. Click the Apply Changes link located at the top right hand corner of the page, to commit the changes to the database.

Conference Feature Codes

The Feature Code section of the Conference page displays the key or key combinations that need to be pressed to activate or deactivate (toggling function) features for conferencing.

Feature List Pressing * will list all the features available while in the conference.
Mute/Unmute Pressing *1 will allow you to toggle (switch) the mute state for yourself.
Lock/Unlock Pressing *2 as the administrator will allow you to toggle (switch) whether new callers can join the conference.
Eject Last User Pressing *3 as the administrator will allow you to eject the last caller who entered the conference.
Decrease Conference Volume Pressing *4 will allow you to decrease the overall volume of the conference call.
Increase Conference Volume Pressing *6 will allow you to increase the overall volume of the conference call.
Decrease User Volume Pressing *7 will decrease your call volume during the conference call.
Increase User Volume Pressing *9 will increase your call volume during the conference call.
Exit Menu Pressing *8 will exit the features menu and return you to the conference call.