Tech Update Security

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Tech Update Security Security Best Practices

Security is a serious concern for any application on a network. There is no shortage of potential intruders intent on stealing services and otherwise causing problems with your system.

IPitomy has designed several security features into the systems to thwart those threats and to avoid the shock of getting hacked. Proper use of security and adhering to a diligent security policy is your best way to avoid security breaches.

Here is a list of Best Practices to implement when installing an IP PBX System. Keep in mind that if users have access to the management interface and can add extensions or change passwords, they should be made aware of the best practices as well.


Passwords are the key to hacking into anything. Avoid using passwords that are dictionary words or number strings like 1234, 1111 etc. Never use words that can be associated with you or your business. IPitomy generates random strong passwords when a SIP account is created. It is recommended that those SIP passwords remain strong if modified, we would advise not changing them from the pre-generated passwords.

A strong password has a combination of upper and lower case characters including numbers and punctuation characters.

All users should be reminded that the PIN number for their mailbox should not be their extension number. The default password for the system administration should always be changed.

Port Forwarding

If you are not using remote phones, turn off any unused port forwards. If 5060 is closed, malicious individuals can't send packets to hit the PBX.


Always ensure local extensions are set to LAN.

Access Control List (ACL)

This controls which IP addresses are allowed to be connected to the system. Unauthorized users are dropped before they get a chance to try anything. (

Create a Class of Service for Remote Phones

Clone the default class of service and remove access to international dialing.

International Dialing

Remove international dialing or restrict it to only users who require it. If you don't use it, restrict it. To do so, don't add a trunk to the Intl route, and then no one can make calls.