IP PBX Manual Appendix 1 Key Types

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You are viewing the IPitomy IP PBX Manual, Table of Contents.

Appendix 1: Key Types and Codes

This table describes the function of each key type, and how to manually configure them. It is not advised to manually configure unless the phone is in a situation where you cannot easily use the PBX to set the keys (ie: remote phones). Unless specified, the Line field when manually configuring should be set to All.

Key Type
Can be set to an extension or park orbit. Pressing the key will call the extension or retrieve a call from the park orbit. When an extension is ringing the light will flash, and when an extension is connected to a call, the light will be solid. Park BLF keys will lamp when a call is parked in that particular orbit. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: BLF

Label: Meaningful Descriptor

Value: The extension or park orbit number to monitor

Line: 1

Speed Dial Dials the digits entered as for the Value and sends them to the PBX. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speed dial

Label: Meaningful Descriptor

Value: Any number or feature code that the PBX can recognize

Park  Takes the connected call and parks it in an available orbit from 701-720, starting at the lowest available slot. When parking, the PBX will tell you audibly which orbit the call was sent to. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speeddial

Label: Park

Value: ##700#

DND Places the phone itself in a state where it will not receive calls. This does not communicate your state to the PBX (see Pause key). To configure manually, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Do Not Disturb

Blind Transfer This key starts the transfer process and allows you to enter a transfer destination. Once entered, press Dial or wait for the digit timeout and the call will transfer. This key is most useful if a phone has no open lines to perform a transfer using the fixed key on the phone, as it does not open a new line to transfer. To configure manually, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Prefix

Label: Blind Transfer

Value: ##

Call Pickup Allows the user to answer calls ringing direct to extensions that are in the Call Group that matches the phones Pickup Group. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Pickup

Label: Meaningful Descriptor

Value: 99

Voicemail  Allows the user to check their voicemail messages. User will be prompted for their password(PIN). To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speed dial

Label: Voicemail

Value: 923

Voicemail Gateway  Allows the user to check any voicemail box for messages. User will be prompted for mailbox number and password(PIN). To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speed dial

Label: VM Gateway

Value: 924

 Record  Toggles on and off the record feature on the current active call. The file will be saved in the voicemail box for the extension, under the Work folder. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speed dial

Label: Record

Value: *#

 Fwd On  With a single press, a user can enable their unconditional forwarding. If no destination is set, you will need to define one before forwarding can be enabled. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speed dial

Label: Fwd On

Value: *91

Fwd Off  With a single press, a user can disable their unconditional forwarding. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speed dial

Label: Fwd Off

Value: *90

Set Fwd  With a singe press, a used can define their forwarding destination. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speed dial

Label: Set Fwd

Value: *92

Fwd Gateway This takes the user to a gateway that allows them to control forwarding for extensions other than their own. User will be prompted for an extension number and password (PIN) before they can make changes. Once logged in, you can enable, disable, and set the forward destination. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Speed dial

Label: Fwd Gateway

Value: *9

Intercom  This key starts the intercom process and allows you to enter an extension or group number. Once entered, press Dial or wait for the digit timeout, and the page will happen. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: Intercom

Label: Intercom

Pause  Similar to the DND key, except pressing this key communicates to the PBX, and will pause you out of call queues. The key is a BLF and will lamp when the phone is paused. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to: Pause functions as DND, however will allow a Page to be sent to the phone.

Type: BLF

Label: Pause

Value: ABC<extnum>

Line: 1

Day/Night BLF  When pressed, a call is established to the PBX telling the user the state of Day/Night mode override, and gives instructions on how to change the settings. If Day/Night mode is forced into night mode, the light will blink; and if forced into day mode, the light will be solid. If Day/Night mode is following the schedule the BLF will not lamp. To manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: BLF

Label: Day/Night

Value: ff

Line: 1

Page BLF  Allows BLF monitoring of an extension, as well as one press paging to that extension. TO manually configure, log into the phone and set the key to:

Type: BLF

Label: Meaningful Descriptor

Value: **<extnum>

Line: 1