IPitomy PBX Software Release Notes
Software Updates
PBXPlus Software Update 5.1.4-1
For 4.2.x+
Inital Release: 02/29/2016
Latest Update: 5.1.4-1 02/29/2016
- Added streaming as source for MOH - http://wiki.ipitomy.com/wiki/IP_PBX_Manual_PBXSetup_Music_On_Hold#Set_Streaming_Source
- Added support for VLAN and Priority to be set per phone on the phone configuration pages. This allows remote phones to have VLAN disabled when needed as well as provides more flexibility in more complicated deployments. http://wiki.ipitomy.com/wiki/IPPBX_Manual_Destinations_Extensions_Edit_Phone_Settings#SIP_.2F_Network_Settings
- Added ability to zero out QManager queue statistical calculations, reducing load on systems that do not use these statistics.
- Added streaming as source for MOH - http://wiki.ipitomy.com/wiki/IP_PBX_Manual_PBXSetup_Music_On_Hold#Set_Streaming_Source
- Added support for VLAN and Priority to be set per phone on the phone configuration pages. This allows remote phones to have VLAN disabled when needed as well as provides more flexibility in more complicated deployments.
- Added ability to zero out QManager queue statistical calculations, reducing load on systems that do not use these statistics.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with using music on hold for ringback of an extension
- Fixed issue with blank screen on software updates
- Fix for SPC users with permissions being unable to modify FollowMe.
Known Issues
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
Minor Updates
Minor Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. For Example(5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below).
- 5.1.4-1- Initial Release (02/29/2016)
PBXPlus Software Update 5.1.3-7
For 4.2.x+
Inital Release: 11/09/2015
Latest Update: 5.1.3-7 11/09/2015
- NOTE:: If your system is using a 2 or 4 port PRI card model TE236 (2-port card) or TE436 (4-port card), do not upgrade the PBX to this release as it has manual drivers loaded that will be lost, taking down the PRI.
- Users and Groups added under system menu. These users can be given different UI permissions for editing various portions of the system configuration. (http://wiki.ipitomy.com/wiki/IP_PBX_Manual_System_Networking#UI_Users_.26_Groups)
- setting "progress in band" added for SIP Providers.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed multi-cast TTL setting - value was not correctly being carried over into underlying configuration
- Fixed mult-cast port configuration - previous limit was a typo limit of 6535. Port can now be set to 65535 and under.
- NOTE: MOST RECENT MODEL IP1200 Systems. Any systems purchased in 2015. There is a driver update included that requires a reboot. After installing this update. Go to PBXSetup->Services and click "Reboot the PBX". If you do not reboot, then the driver update will be applied on the next system reboot. Note that symptoms being fixed by this update include network disconnects when used in conjunction with Software RAID or T-1 cards, so it is advised that you apply it and reboot if you have a recent model IP1200 using these features.
Known Issues
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
Minor Updates
Minor Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. For Example(5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below).
- 5.1.3-7- Initial Release (11/09/2015)
PBXPlus Software Update 5.1.2-1
For 4.2.x+
Inital Release: 08/03/2015
Latest Update: 1/27/15 - 5.1.2-1
- Wizard added (Add IPitomy) button under SIP Providers. You can fill out basic information and the system will configure the settings for IPitomy SIP Trunks.
- Added setting in each Conference Room to suppress all announcements.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue with storage of local call recordings.
- Fixed call scheduler. Due to an old issue in the underlying software we rewrote our scheduling application to make it more accurate. Times listed in schedules should be followed exactly (to the second) now. In a future update we expect to see introduce a resolution of 1 minute on schedules.
Known Issues
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
Minor Updates
Minor Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. For Example(5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below).
- 5.1.2-1- Initial Release (08/03/2015)
PBXPlus Software Update 5.1.1
For 4.2.x+
Inital Release: 12/29/2014
Latest Update: 1/27/15 - 5.1.1-5
- Improve performance when generating Queue Reports.
- Added Queue Summary page and made printable
- Queue Graphs:
- Added Ability to select multiple queues
- Added Ability to print
- Added: Added agent login durations (new column Agents tab)
- Stats for Inbound/Outbound/Internal calls are now tracked for Agents. Previously, they were only tracked for member
- Added Support for soft phone licensing
- Added ability to easily visualize changes in the global phone template configuation. (Click Show Changes button at bottom of PBXSetup->Phone Global page).
- Added feature to support changing value of local sip port for a phone. (under phone settings).
- A board support package has been addded to address issues with rebooting on more recent 1100+ systems running software RAID, (note 2000/5000 systems are unaffected). Be sure to click check for updates a second time after you have finished installing this update, to check for required updates.
- Updated to support shared last call values for queues - setting is global and available on PBXSetup->General. If you set this to yes, then wrapup time for agents/members will be applied across all queues. This means that a queue with a long wrapup time could make an agent unavailable to other queues for an extended period of time
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where agent login/logout were being counted in agent call statistics.
- Fixed issue with module load order that could cause instability on system updates during reboots.
Known Issues
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
- Progress bar during updates moves more slowly.
Minor Updates
Minor Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. For Example(5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below).
- 5.1.1-0 - Initial Release (12/29/14)
- 5.1.1-5 - (1/27/15)
Fix for Mass edit several options in Call Control were not properly supported
Fix for deleting members of Alerts
Fix for error accessing reports using reports user
Fix for Hosted systems DNS updates - 5.1.1.-7 - (3/2/15)
Directed Parking is now supported. Option to enable disable on PBXSetup->General. Note you need phone firmware package 1.8.89 or greater to support the directed parking features. - 5.1.1-8 - (3/20/15) Fixed issue with directed pickup and 3 digit extensions not working. This was introduced in 5.1.1-7.
PBXPlus Software Update 5.0.9
For 4.2.x+
Release: 9/29/14
- Queue Reports can be generated for multiple queues at once and can also be printed.
- New Ring no answer statistic for round robin queues
- Updated NAT settings (PBXSetup->SIP). You now choose if you want to use external IP or external host. (more to come - manual updates).
- You now must choose, your NAT method, External IP, External Hostname, or None. The setting value is inferred from the values of the settings that you have configured.
- If you had previously set external host and external ip, external host will take precedence. You will need to specify external ip on PBXSetup->SIP.
- Phones will follow auto settings for time server and PBX IP address. When changing from WAN to LAN phone configuration will automatically be changed.
- Cloud system users have the option to obtain their host name if it is configured on PBXSetup->SIP.
- There is now a check box that automatically includes your SIP Local Net in your local net settings.
- Old settings to specifically use WAN, LAN or custom are still present in phone settings, but setting this to Auto will make any changes of WAN to LAN a lot easier for most users.
- New phones will automatically be created using the Auto settings.
- There is a mechanism now to obtain your public IP from the PBXSetup->SIP page as well.
- Changes to recordings.
- Files are archived in 1GB files. Each file includes a html index file that provides information about the file and allows for easier browsing of recorded files.
- Browsing Recordings is done within an archive.
- Option to include timestamp in recording file name.
- Updates to documentation on new interface coming soon.
- Bind address has been removed from PBXSetup->SIP as there was no functional purpose
- Added Button to send SIP Notify to an HD Phone. If their configuration has been updated, this can cause a remote phone to reload it's configuration, (not supported on all models).
- You can now set a system name that will display at the top and on title bar of all web pages. The new setting is called "System Name" and is located on PBXSetup->General
- Board Support Packages added - to better support specific hardware models we have implemented a system that will install board specicic options for a particular type of hardware.
- After update, click check for updates again. If Install Packages is still available. Click this option again. If there is an indication that a reboot is needed in the details after the second update, then please reboot system on PBXSetup->Services page (option Reboot PBX).
- Usability improvements for cloud systems
- Phones default to WAN
- Restart Services, Reboot, etc.. no longer hanging systems.
- Time server values updated.
- Networking page updated to reflect cloud status.
- Obtain Hostname from PBXSetup->SIP page.
IPitomy Cloud System Users
Bug Fixes
- In an effort to keep on top of all vulnerability issues, this version of PBX software has the most recent fix for the Shellshock Linux Bash bug. Keep an eye out for future updates if more problems are found.
- Fixed several display issue with call logs in SPC, including ring group calls not being included.
- Fixes for various inaccuracies in queue log statistics, including agent login / logout being counted as calls.
- Queue graphs now count only the time interval that a call starts in.
- Fix for dialer not being able to dial more than 10 digits.
- Fix for database crash caused by deleting an outbound route used by a recording job.
- Fixed outstanding issue with upgrades. During upgrades, web access from apps such as QManager and Call Manager, as well as regular web access to the PBX interface were causing concurrency issues with the software being accessed while an update was in process. We have disabled the web server during the update process, so you may notice that the progress bar during the update is slower.
Known Issues
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
- Progress bar during updates moves more slowly.
Minor Updates
Minor Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. For Example(5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below).
- 5.0.9-1 - Initial Release (09/29/14)
- 5.0.9-2 - Update to fix IVR not routing "#" destination properly (9/30/14)
- 5.0.9-3 - Updated module load order - removes WARNING / ERROR messages that could cause a deadlock on slower systems when outside processes reconnected during startup.
PBXPlus Software Update 5.0.7
For 4.2.x+
Release: 4/23/14
- Added Applications to routing drop downs on Routing OPs to allow chaining of Routing Operations.
- Added support for SIP Provider outbound proxy port.
- Updated name of Queue Monitoring page: It is now called Queue Status. This avoids confusion with different resolutions and Monitoring page.
- Added option to disable a SIP Provider. Note DIDs are not disabled, but credentials, registration and any acount to/from the provider is not configured.
- Support for New Digium T130 T1 Cards.
- System Check for Bad Voicemail PINS (Pin same as extension number). Warning will display at top of page. You can enable an option in PBXSetup->Voicemail now that forces people to create their name and greeting and change their PIN. This option applies if the PIN is equal to the mailbox number.
- API Changes to support IPitomy Dialer (look for release in near future)
Bug Fixes
- SPC CDR's now include ring group calls.
- Fix for putting a '.' an Extension name will cause voicemail to email to fail for the corresponding extension.
- Fixed issue with Chat server not correctly initializing occasionally.
- Fix for issue where DP_DIGITS were not being sent in all cases
- Whitespace is trimmed from beginning and ending of all SIP provider settings to prevent unfriendly configuration mistakes.
Known Issues
- Phone Firmware Updates interface is obsolete and refers to an older package than is available through PBXSetup->Software updates. We are transitioning away from this interface. It will not break anything to click it but it may not indicate the latest package currently available. We are going to work towards providing configuration for automatic updates that includes support for which components should be updated automatically. In order to get the latest package you can always use PBXSetup->Software Updates to check for and install the latest updates.
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
- OSLEC echo canceller was not working on initial release. Go to software updates, check for new updates and then install them to receive an updated driver.
Minor Updates
Minor Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. For Example(5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below).
- 5.0.7-1 - Initial Release (04/23/14)
- 5.0.7-2 - (5/5/14)
- Fixed issue with purging of FTP recordings after FTP transfer is performed
- Added support for Digium A8A (8 port analog ) cards.
- Fix for SPC logs not being sorted and pagination failing.
- Fixed issue with WebManager not working
- Changed max ring time for an extension to 180.
- 5.0.7-3 - (6/26/14)
- Fixed issue with validation on Call Group and Pickup Group on Extensions. Note you can now set a blank value to disable the feature for a particular phone.
- RTP Ports for PBX can now be configured under PBXSetup->SIP Advanced. Note these are the ports that the PBX uses to initiate RTP connections, not the phones. It has no bearing on the phones, but allows you to change a range if you have a conflict or limitations on a router.
- Fixed support of new Digium analog card. Should resolve issues with outbound calls not working at all in some configurations.
- Allow more memory for Web Applications. This change should allow systems with large configurations to work more effectively.
PBXPlus Software Update 5.0.5
For 4.2.x+
Release: 1/21/14
- Added Global FTP Settings Page
Settings have been moved from Database Backup’s Page
- Added Global Email Settings Page
Settings have been moved from Voicemail Page.
- Added Settings for Scheduled FTP backups of recording jobs
- Updated NTP Server config to prevent query-based denial of service attacks.
Bug Fixes
- Extensions: You can now enter multiple call and pickup groups again.
- Database Backups: Autobackup monthly now execute on the first Sunday of every month rather than the 1st and Every Sunday
Known Issues
- Phone Firmware Updates interface is obsolete and refers to an older package than is available through PBXSetup->Software updates. We are transitioning away from this interface. It will not break anything to click it but it may not indicate the latest package currently available. We are going to work towards providing configuration for automatic updates that includes support for which components should be updated automatically. In order to get the latest package you can always use PBXSetup->Software Updates to check for and install the latest updates.
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
- Putting a '.' an Extension name will cause voicemail to email to fail for the corresponding extension.
Minor Updates
Minor Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. For Example(5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below).
- 5.0.5-1- Initial Release (01/21/14)
- 5.0.5-2- (01/29/14) Fix for PASV mode on FTP Servers. Fix for Reinitialize button on Chat Server Config.
PBXPlus Software Update 5.0.3
For 4.2.x+
Release: 12/17/13 Last Minor Update: 12/17/13
- IPitomy Application Programming Interface released. This facility provides integration with 3rd party applications. Initially supports integration with DuVoice Messaging System. Documentation on API is available
Bug Fixes
- We added a new field "Auto-reject Second Caller" to the Phone Settings page under the Display Settings/Call Control tab. Unfortunately we set the default to "Enabled". This update will automatically disable this feature on all configured phones. If you wish to have the feature enabled, please navigate to the specific extension and Enable the feature then press Save and Configure to re-enable the setting.
- Fixed issue with Ring Groups being unable to record incoming calls (ACD Queues not affected).
- Fix for issues where Ring Groups / Queues were unable to transfer to Voicemail using DTMF Codes, (Phone-based SIP transfer worked).
- Fixed issue with HTTP Configuration file updates. After update phones should be able to pull their configuration properly.
Known Issues
- Phone Firmware Updates interface is obsolete and refers to an older package than is available through PBXSetup->Software updates. We are transitioning away from this interface. It will not break anything to click it but it may not indicate the latest package currently available. We are going to work towards providing configuration for automatic updates that includes support for which components should be updated automatically. In order to get the latest package you can always use PBXSetup->Software Updates to check for and install the latest updates.
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
Version Updates
Version Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. 5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below.
- 5.0.3-2 - Initial Release (12/17/13)
PBXPlus Software Update 5.0.1
For 4.2.x+
Release: 08/21/13 Last Minor Update: 12/3/13
Software updates are now performed using the PBX web interface. There are no more files to manually download and then upload. Note this means that if you do not have a valid internet connection, DNS, and unfiltered HTTPS web access from the PBX, you should not install this update. In order to install any future updates the PBX's installed location must meet the basic access standards listed above.
When you wish to check for new software updates, you can now:
- go to PBX Setup->Software Updates and click: Check for Updates. If there are updates available a new button will become available after checking, "Install Updates".
- Click Install Updates
Note that each button produces a show details button that provides debugging as well as other useful logs of what is occurring during the update process.
You should not reboot or unplug the PBX during updates. After the update process it's a good idea to reboot the PBX. You can reboot from PBXSetup->Services click button "Reboot the PBX".
The update from 4.X.X to 5 requires using the old software upgrade process in order to install version 5.
Specific changes to to the upgrade process:
- Unfiltered HTTPS Web access is required from PBX to internet
- DNS must be valid
- Reboot is no longer automatic after an upgrade. (A reboot does a filesystem check which is always a good idea).
- Database upgrades are automatic.
- While it is always a good idea to backup and download the database before you perform an upgrade, the PBX should automatically perform the upgrade. You will no longer be kicked back to the login screen and asked if you wish to upgrade the database when logging in. In the event that a database upgrade does fail, there will be a message in the upgrade log, and a system alert will display showing the DB VERSION is invalid. Click this alert message to attempt to perform the upgrade, (this should give you an error you can provide to support if there is any issue).
- Apply changes is automatic. Any errors should be in the log or can be seen by pressing apply changes again. You no longer have to press Apply Changes after performing an upgrade.
- Phone Firmware updates are a part of this process and will be updated automatically when new PBX firmware is available.
Remote Agents
Agents can be used to log a PSTN number into a queue. The PSTN number requires 1 to be pressed when receiving the call. Login is provided by new service listed in Destination Drop downs called Remote Agent Login. You can put this option on a menu and an agent can use it to log in. Please check wiki in coming days for updated documentation on this and other features in this release.
Routing Operations
This feature provides the long awaited route by caller id functionality as well as a much more robust interface capable of routing calls by data manually input by the caller. This allows for a number of useful applications to be created. Please check wiki in coming days for updated documentation on this and other features in this release.
Help Links
Help links have been added to each page which link to the relevant wiki entry.
Fax Extensions
Extension can be designated as a FAX extension. Note a fax extension disables any sort of calling features based on DTMF. So transfers, parks, etc are not available on an extension designated as a fax extension. Fax extensions will also disable outbound transfer numbers, etc.. when dialing outbound. This is also useful on alarm systems. What this does technically is it prevents the PBX from listening for DTMF. Many of the tones generated by alarm systems or fax machines can fall in the DTMF tone range and therefore disabling detection can avoid any potential transmission errors.
Other Changes
- Look and feel for web interface updated. If you have cached pages in browser try pressing ctrl-F5 (windows) or (cmd-r on mac) to reload the web pages.
- Host field on extension is now editable (can be dynamic, hostname, or ip address). SIP Password can only be blank if host is not dynamic.
- Call Waiting option for V2 HD phones available in interface ( auto reject 2nd call )
- Call Recording now has option to allow recordings to continue through an attended transfer.
- Transfer BLF option now available for V2 HD Phones.
- Extensions can now be set to play ringing instead of Music on Hold. Note there is a limitation due to SIP protocol and attended transfers that amounts to: do not use Music On Hold instead or ringing with attended transfers or the transferring party will hear silence.
Bug Fixes
- Fix for playback of outbound calls from CDR Report.
- Email Voicemail as Mp3 file sound quality improved considerably - changed filtering.
- Fixed issue with creating extensions, valid MAC address patterns are accepted now.
- Fixed name validation on voicemail box page.
- Fixed display of logs when ring group was deleted
- Diagnostics log size will be trimmed more frequently
- cdr-report.php fix error in accessing with no parameters set.
- Fixed issue where you could create invalid extensions in 707-720 extension number range.
Known Issues
- Phone Firmware Updates interface is obsolete and refers to an older package than is available through PBXSetup->Software updates. We are transitioning away from this interface. It will not break anything to click it but it may not indicate the latest package currently available. We are going to work towards providing configuration for automatic updates that includes support for which components should be updated automatically. In order to get the latest package you can always use PBXSetup->Software Updates to check for and install the latest updates.
- We added a new field "Auto-reject Second Caller" to the Phone Settings page under the Display Settings/Call Control tab. Unfortunately we set the default to "Enabled". If you plan to Save on this Phone Settings page, be sure to change this to Disabled, otherwise it will change the functionality the user has become accustomed to. We will change this to be default at Disabled in the next release. Sorry for any inconvenience.
- Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
Version Updates
Version Updates will be issued on a release number as a -X number where X represents the revision of the release. After a release there may be fixes to issues that are found as software is released. 5.0.1 Was released on version 75. For each version update we will make a note of the changes below.
- 5.0.1-75 - Initial Release (10/21/13)
- 5.0.1-76 - Fix for unable to create new recording job (10/21/13).
- 5.0.1-80 - Issue with global phone templates not working (fixed root cause of last 2 issues) (10/22/13). Also Fixes issue where NetConsole was not working on new installs.
- 5.0.1-83 - (12/3/13) IP290 Support Added. New statistics on Reporting->QGraphs Added. Fixed issue with cross login of agents on 2 extensions where wrong agent could be logged out.
PBXPlus Software Update 4.8.6
For 4.2.x+
Date: 06/17/13
- Added Alerts Alerts
A Routable Destination that requires licensing for use. You can route to an alert like any other destination. You can also flag an outbound route to trigger an alert. Routing to an alert can perform any of 3 actions:- Send Text Message to anyone in list entered (local Q Manager PBX chat only).
- Send Email Message - message delivery is retried if it fails on first attempt.
- Trigger Scheduled Call.
- Added Recording Application
Call Recording
Recording Application allows creation of recording applications which can currently record calls on queues or outbound routes. In the near future this list will be updated to include other destinations, and possibly providers as well.
Each job controls how many recordings will be kept each day, as well as how long recordings for that job are kept.
Recordings are licensed per simultaneous recording job. Note if you start a call and are already at MAX recordings it will not record the call, and it will not start recording the call if one of the other recordings finishes. A recording must have an available license to record at the start of the call.
- Added Notification Area
Notification Area
Several alerts will display at the top of the Admin web pages when you are logged in. The current alerts are: 1) Default Password 2) SIP Local Net 3) Apply Changes
The warnings are reminders they do not have any effect on the system operation. Currently the Apply Changes alert will trigger more often than necessary, as it triggers when people change their forwarding settings, (which does not require apply changes). However, in the interest of caution, we would rather it warn people that they have not applied than not.
- Validation improved on some input fields
- Added Web Manager
This is a web based version of a BLF console. Compatible with latest Browsers (IE 10, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari).
Use requires a Q/Call Manager license.
To Use navigate to[http:// http://]<pbx ip address>/ippbx/WebManager
- Updated look feel for reports log in, (looks like admin interface now).
- Warning is now displayed on the Phone Global Page when the default template has been modified. - Note after saving you need to refresh page to see this update.
- Updated Display Names for destinations in Drop Downs - should be more informative when creating groups on large systems as extension number and name are available in the drop down.
- Added navigation links to Extension, phone config, and schedule pages.
- Updated HD Phone firmware so new installs receive 1.8-52 firmware package.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where agent recordings could be lost on an upgrade
- Fixed issue with attempting to set prompt 0 (default prompt) in remote menu admin.
- Fixed issue with password for exportCSV not working
- Changed PBX software to send Extra SIP BYE in order to prevent a rarely occurring race condition that could cause a phantom call when 2 phones were answered simultaneously.
- Updated interface security to fix a number of issues we found during internal auditing.
Known Issues
- If you enable Call Recording on Outbound Routes through the new Application, be sure there is only one Trunk under that route, otherwise problems may arise. A fix will be out as soon as we can to resolve this.
- The new Alerts feature will not trigger if the call is sent through a Subroute off of a main Outbound Dialing Route. A fix will be out as soon as we can to resolve this.
PBXPlus Software Update 4.8.4
Bug Fixes
- Added Validation to Retry Timer for Ring Groups
- Updated Ring Group Tooltips
- Fixed issue with setting volume to 0 on HD Phone Key Settings Page
- Fixed Permissions issue with restoring voicemail archives that occasionally resulted in inability of the software to count and display the voicemail messages properly on PBXSetup->Voicemail.
- Fixed issue with assiging Queue/Call Manager users where only first X extensions could be assigned if you had X licenses.
Known Issues
PBXPlus Software Update 4.8.2
- Disabled DND button in default template for HD Phones, need to reset template and rechange any parameters if you have customized global template for this to take effect. (If the user MUST have the DND key, you can modify the field in the template: 0 = Off, 1 = On)
- Added default screen pop urls for QManager. This list can be edited and then imported on individual QManager clients. Link under PBXSetup->Screen Pop URLs.
- Security ACL added for exportCSV.
- Branch offices being used as trunks now have some provider settings when enabled.
- PBX default DTMF Mode is now RFC2833
- Ring groups can now control the Agent Retry Parameter (how long ring group waits until it tries to resend a call to a phone).
- Ring group default value for autofill is now 'no' because this is recommended with default ring strategy.
- Default value for agent retry parameter in ring groups is now 2.
- Performance improvements when using many QManager clients on a busy system.
- PRIs now generate ringing during pre-answer period.
- Phone based auto-provisioning should be faster.
- Added lock to prevent multiple users from applying changes simultaneously.
- QManager Seats now come from one big pool, ACD, Agent, Manager, User are all are interchangibly assigned from the pool.
Bug Fixes
- Values for volume and ringer now support full ranges available on hd phones
- Fixed longstanding bug in outbound routing where you could not name a route with a number.
- Method of creating extensions with invalid extension numbers has been removed
- Prevent creation of voicemail boxes with invalid numbers
- Fix for issue with downloading database files using certain versions of IE.
- Changes to fix mp3 streaming on IPhone through web app.
- Fix for blank passwords on ftp backups. (anonymous logins now working).
- Fix for issue where calls sent to Congestion were not being reported as completed.
- Fix for CDR reporting VM NOT LEFT occasionally when VM is actually left.
Known issues
- On Phone Key and Settings page there is a display issue with setting ringer volume to 0. When you set the volume to 0 it will allow you to save it and send the value to the phone. However if you reload the page the ringer value will be set back to the default value. In order to keep the volume at 0 you will have to reset this to 0 each time you edit the page. Only editng the page after setting the value to 0 causes this issue. This issue has been fixed and the fix will be available in the next software release.
Previous Release notes
All previous release notes can be obtained from